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Analysis biomedical devices in Turin

Analysis biomedical devices and implantable prostheses of titanium alloys in Turin

Chemical analysis, microstructure, mechanical properties, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen of titanium alloys for biomedical devices and implantable prostheses in Turin

Analisi chimica delle leghe di titanio a Torino da APM Laboratori

Chemical analysis of titanium alloys

Chemical analysis

Titanium alloys, thanks to their exceptional mechanical and chemical properties, are widely used in numerous sectors, including the biomedical one. The mechanical properties can vary significantly depending on the composition of the alloy. It therefore becomes fundamental to check the elements present and the correspondence of the material to the main standards usually adopted for classification (ASTM F67, ASTM F136, ASTM B265,…).

The check is performed with various instrumental techniques, specifically:

Post-combustion infrared spectroscopy for the determination of carbon content (ISO 13093).
ICP-OES optical emission spectrometry for the determination of iron, other micro impurities and alloying elements (ASTM E2371-21a)
Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence for alloying elements (Ti, Nb, Al, V), as an alternative to spectrometry (ASTM E1508-12a).
Analisi chimica delle leghe di titanio a Torino da APM Laboratori
Analisi della microstruttura delle leghe di titanio a Torino da APM Laboratori

Analysis of the microstructure of titanium alloys

Analysis of the microstructure in Turin

The hot working of titanium and its alloys (rolling, forging), essential to give the rough blank the final shape of the product (e.g. orthopaedic prostheses), represents a fundamental step in the production process of implantable articles. The metallographic structure can vary significantly in the event of incorrect temperatures of even just a few tens of degrees centigrade. For this reason, it is essential to ensure that the phases are distributed according to specific structures, and this is ensured by the metallographic control of the microstructure. The test, depending on the customer’s needs, can be performed at all stages of the production process, from the raw material to the finished product.

The analysis is carried out after preparation of the metallographic specimen, polishing to a specular finish and selective chemical etching to highlight its structure. At the end of the preparation, the control is carried out using a metallographic microscope, comparing the structure with the tables of the ISO 20160 standard.

If the product is coated with a hardened layer of titanium nitride or carbonitride (TiN/TiCN) the metallographic analysis, associated with the control with a scanning electron microscope and EDS microanalysis (SEM-EDX), allows the thickness to be measured of the layers and to identify their chemical nature.

Analisi chimica delle leghe di titanio a Torino da APM Laboratori

Measurement of the mechanical properties of titanium alloys

Measurement of the mechanical properties in Turin

The mechanical resistance of an implantable prosthesis is fundamental both in terms of good functioning over time and, above all, for the protection of the patient. The quality control of the product therefore requires the measurement of certain fundamental mechanical characteristics, which can be obtained from the classic tensile test performed with a dynamometer. In particular:

Yield strength
Ultimate tensile strength (breaking strength)
Elongation at rupture

The tests are carried out according to international reference standards. The hardness measurement takes place mainly with the Vickers scale according to the ISO 6507-1 standard, while the tensile test, depending on the customer’s needs, can be performed in accordance with the ISO 6892-1 standard or alternatively ASTM E8/E8M.

Analisi chimica delle leghe di titanio a Torino da APM Laboratori

Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium alloys

Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium alloys in Turin

Titanium alloys, due to their exceptional mechanical and chemical properties, are widely used in most product sectors, and in the biomedical one also. However, the presence of gaseous impurities such as hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen can significantly influence its properties, compromising quality and performance. The accurate analysis of these impurities is therefore essential to guarantee quality and reliability over time.

Hydrogen analysis

Hydrogen can be present in the form of soluble hydrogen or interstitial hydrogen. Its presence causes fragility and poor resistance to corrosion. The analysis, performed with a specific analyser according to the ASTM E1447 standard, allows quantification with high sensitivity and precision.

Oxygen analysis

Oxygen can be present in titanium alloys in the form of dissolved oxygen or in the form of oxides. Its presence causes fragility and poor resistance to corrosion. The analysis, performed with a specific analyser according to the ASTM E1019 standard, allows quantification with high sensitivity and precision.

Nitrogen analysis

Nitrogen is present in titanium alloys as a residual impurity or in the form of nitride and/or carbonitride. Its presence can influence the corrosion resistance and workability of the alloy. The analysis, performed with a specific analyser according to the ASTM E1019 standard, allows quantification with high sensitivity and precision.

Analysis biomedical devices in Turin





ISO 13093

ASTM E2371

ASTM E1508-12°

ISO 20160

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