0124.490.681 apm@apmlaboratori.com

Laboratory tests

Rubbers, Plastics, Synthetic fibers

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetry (TGA) are the three techniques that, often in conjunction with each other, allow the characterization of all polymeric materials. FTIR spectroscopy allows to identify the type of polymer, while calorimetry reveals its physical properties (melting temperature, glass transition, …). From the study of the calorimetric diagram it is possible to highlight any cuts in the polymer with foreign and / or recycled material, as well as highlighting defects in the shaping, residual stresses of the material, etc. IR able to acquire the spectrum even of very small samples, from a few tens of microns.

scope of application

Fluid resistance testing
Characterization of the base polymer by FTIR infrared spectroscopy
Characterization of small residues and scraps by infrared FTIR microscopy
DSC thermal analysis with measurement of melting temperature and glass transition temperature down to - 196 ° C
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
Shore A hardness measurement
Determination of the amount and type of mineral filler
Analysis of plasticizers
Analysis of residual solvents
Determination of moisture content according to Karl Fisher
Analysis of flame retardants according to RoHS guidelines
test on rubber and plastics
gomme plastiche e fibre 1
gomme plastiche e fibre 2
gomme plastiche e fibre 3

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